Germany - Baden-Wuerttemberg - sights

Heidelberg - View of the city from the castle

Looking down from the castle you can enjoy this beautiful view of the city. You can see the Holy Ghost Church and the Neckar-river with the Old Bridge. In the background you can see the hills of the Odenwald (a mountainous wooded area) and the flat area of the upper Rhine river. On the opposite river bank there is the philosopher's walk, a favored hiking path from where you can view Heidelberg with its castle. Heidelberg's citizens call this path "balcony of the town", because from here you can enjoy the surrounding parks, the "philosopher's garden" and certainly the most beautiful view of the city.

Photos of Heidelberg's inner city (click for more information):

Town Hall and Market Place Heiliggeistkirche (Holy Ghost Church) Place in front of the Old University Gate of the Old Bridge Sculpture of the palatine Karl Theodor on the Old Bridge Restaurant in Leyer Lane Jacobs Lane Library of the University Kornmarkt Kurpfälzisches Museum An old citizen's house in Merianstreet View of the city from the castle

More information about Heidelberg: